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In nature there are neither rewards nor punishments; there are consequences – Robert Green Ingersoll


Construction & Demolition Waste Strategy for Malta

The Environment and Resources Authority (ERA) recently published a waste strategy for construction and demolition (C&D) waste. In Malta, over 1.5 million tonnes of C&D waste is generated each year, comprising around 80% of the total waste generated nationally.

The C&D Waste Strategy covers the period 2021-2030, and includes 15 measures with associated timeframes for implementation.

Starting in 2021, Government construction tenders will require bidders to state how they will manage C&D waste. This measure will be important considering the number and scale of infrastructural works potentially in the pipeline, including the Gozo tunnel project and the metro project.

Additionally, as from 2026 pre-demolition audits will start to be required for high-density residential developments and major developments. These aim to identify and quantify all waste streams with a view to maximizing separation, reuse and recycling, and ensuring appropriate waste management. Such audits are to be carried out by a warranted architect or a qualified environmental consultant.

Another important measure is that in 2028 specific reuse and recycling targets will start to apply for high-density residential developments and major developments.

Posted in Environmental news